Details: This beer is modeled on a Scottish Ale.
alcohol and gruit herbs. Herbs used are the 3 true
gruit herbs: Yarrow, Bog myrtle & Wild rosemary.
Author: Dave Bonta
Details: Dave's recipe calls for no less than
Mugwort, Licorice, Chicory, Chamomile, Lemon grass,
Orange peel, Vanilla extract and Sarsaparilla.
Talk about brewing a revolution!
Details: A modern recipe spiced mostly with Yarrow
and Mugwort, adding only a small amount of Bog myrtle
and Wild rosemary (at the end of the boil),
providing a unique herbal bitterness.
Author: Christopher Moore
Details: Chris offers a variant of the above Modern
Gruit Ale recipe. He adds Dark Crystal and Cara-Pils
specialty grains to the grain bill and malto-dextrin
for added body and mouthfeel.
Author: John Harrison
From: Sacred and Herbal Healing Beers
Details: This recipe is not a true recreation of a 14th
century Gruit, but rather a small and easy all grain
recipe for 5L / 1Gl batch. With true Gruit herbs.
From: Sacred and Herbal Healing Beers
Details: A small collection of 3 Sage ale recipes
+ A Modern Recipe,
+ A Nineteeth-Century Recipe with Hops,
+ An eighteeth-Century Recipe
From: Sacred and Herbal Healing Beers
Details: A very basic all grain Bog Myrtle (a.k.a.
Sweet gale) recipe. It calls for 110g / 4oz of fresh
Bog myrtle, with half boiled and half added later
to fermenter.